A Hungry Society

What Does This Moment Mean For Women-Run Businesses?

Episode Summary

What does the COVID-19 crisis mean for women-run food businesses? On today’s show I speak with Shaolee Sen, CEO of Hot Bread Kitchen, about the unique challenges women-run and immigrant-run food businesses face at this time. Hot Bread Kitchen is an organization in Harlem that’s a culinary incubator program and workforce development program that trains women for jobs in the culinary industry. You can support by visiting hotbreadkitchen.org.

Episode Notes

What does the COVID-19 crisis mean for women-run food businesses? On today’s show I speak with Shaolee Sen, CEO of Hot Bread Kitchen, about the unique challenges women-run and immigrant-run food businesses face at this time. Hot Bread Kitchen is an organization in Harlem that’s a culinary incubator program and workforce development program that trains women for jobs in the culinary industry. You can support by visiting hotbreadkitchen.org.

And here are some of the businesses that were mentioned during our conversation:

Janie Bakes: website / instagram

Pabade: website / instagram

Ginjan: website/ instagram

Image courtesy of Hot Bread Kitchen

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